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Road Safety Guide

Road safety guide

CLICK is the sound

Wearing a seat belt reduces the risk of death for drivers by 50% yet 4 unbelted young people were killed or seriously injured every week in 2022.

In 2022, 30% of car occupant fatalities among 17- to 29-year-olds were not wearing seat belts. Young men are more likely to be inconsistent wearers of seat belts, with research highlighting a particular issue on short and familiar journeys at night. To help tackle this, THINK! is launching a new seat belts campaign to encourage young men to wear their seat belts, whatever the journey, whether they’re a driver or a passenger. The ‘CLICK’ campaign aims to shift attitudes and behaviours around seat belt wearing by using an audible and visual reminder that something as simple as ‘clicking’ your seat belt save your life, and the lives of your friends.

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Driving Course

Helping pupils to learn to drive safely and pass fast is our speciality. We have had many high profile pupils choose to learn with us such as England International footballer

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Don’t Delay Your MOT

Don't Delay Your MOT

Are you considering forgoing your MOT due to the expense or inconvenience?

Perhaps you might reconsider that. It is critical keep your car’s MOT up to date because driving without it will increase your chance of being involved in an accident and moreover it can result in a hefty fine of up to £1,000. For this reason, you must follow your MOT schedule.

The Importance of an MOT

All through the MOT test your car is tested for safety, appropriateness for use on the road, and adherence to rules; the decision on whether to pass or fail the MOT is contingent upon the severity level of the identified issues. The issues are graded as minor, major, or dangerous.

Most years, a lot of drivers get penalised for driving without a valid MOT. For cars that are three years old and above, an annual MOT test ought to be done. After three years of operation, new cars are exempt from needing a MOT; older cars are not.

Driving Without an MOT: The Consequences

Driving without a current MOT carries serious consequences. To renew your MOT, you can only lawfully drive your vehicle to the testing facility. You have to provide identification at the time of the police stop to avoid being fined. Your insurance is also void without a current MOT, which may cost you an infinite fine and earn you up to eight points on your license.

What Happens If You're Caught?

If you’re caught driving without an MOT, the consequences vary based on the situation. If you’re on your way to the testing center and can prove it, you’ll likely avoid a fine but receive a warning. Without proof, you risk a £1,000 fine. In rare cases, if you forget your renewal date and are only a day or two late, you might get a warning instead of a fine.

Some drivers avoid the MOT test because they can’t pay for safety repairs. If your vehicle is deemed “unroadworthy” by law, your license will be endorsed with three points and a fine of £2,500. The minimum number of points required for suspension of driving privileges is six for inexperienced drivers over two years and twelve for other drivers.

Choosing an MOT Test Center

You can choose any registered center, including national dealerships like Vauxhall or Toyota, or independent garages. Your MOT must be done at a registered testing center, identifiable by a blue sign with three white triangles.

Booking Your MOT

You can book your MOT up to a month before the expiry date without changing the original renewal date. This ensures you don’t forget and gives you ample time to schedule the test.

What to Bring to Your MOT

For your MOT, you need to bring your vehicle registration document (V5C), car, and its keys.


Driving without an MOT is illegal and risky. To avoid fines and potential accidents, book your MOT early. Test centers can get busy, so schedule your appointment in advance. Most centers permit you to leave your car overnight if you have other things to deal with on the test day. To avoid finding yourself on the wrong side of the law as far as cars are concerned keep checking; whether everything is in place as required by law and that all necessary repair work is done in time.

At Shift Gears in High Wycombe, we understand the importance of keeping your car roadworthy. That’s why we encourage you to book your MOT appointment early to ensure you stay compliant and safe.

We also serve in nearby locations like Beaconsfield, Marlow, Maidenhead, Flackwell Heath, Princess Risborough and more. So, wherever you are, we’re here to help you keep your wheels rolling smoothly!

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Get your first provisional driving licence for a car, motorbike, moped or other vehicle from DVLA online. To apply you must:

  • be at least 15 years and 9 months old
  • be able to read a number plate from 20 metres away
  • have been given permission to live in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) for at least 185 days

It costs £34 when you apply online.

For more information you can find out at the following website:

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Driving in Adverse Weather

Driving in Adverse Weather

While you live in the United Kingdom;

you probably expect to face a broad range of weather conditions. Unlike other nations where the weather is more steady, the UK has four seasons – Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.

Most people in the UK decide to drive during the warmer spring and summer months

It should come as no surprise that accident rates decrease in these months as opposed to the harsher, more dangerous winter months.

Where you live in the UK also plays a big role in how weather affects your driving. For instance, navigating the snowy, icy roads in the Scottish Highlands during winter can be far more challenging than cruising through the milder Midlands. Every territory has its specific driving difficulties; therefore, people should be ready for any obstacle they encounter.


Heavy Rain and Floods

Though difficult, you can protect yourself on a rainy drive. There might be aquaplaning and also visibility may reduce due to heavy rains on roads that are made of even the best materials.

  • Mind the Big Vehicles: The bigger the vehicle, the longer it takes to stop. Keep a proper distance and maintain ideal speed to make sure your vehicle has enough space for stopping safely and slowing down.
  • Avoid Fast-Moving Water: Don’t attempt to drive through fast-moving water, such as at a flooded bridge approach, as your car could be swept away.
  • Aquaplaning: Driving quickly through standing water can cause your tyres to lose contact with the road. The steering wheel should be gently gripped and the throttle must be released when it starts to aquaplane resumption.
  • Protect Your Engine: Water can damage your engine, especially if it gets into the air intake. Drive slowly through standing water and use a low gear to keep engine revs high.
  • Breaking Down: If you break down in heavy rain, avoid propping the bonnet open while waiting for assistance to prevent water from soaking the electrics.

High Winds

  • High winds can make driving hazardous, particularly for high-sided vehicles, caravans, and motorbikes.
  • Extra Caution: High-sided vehicles and motorbikes are at risk of being blown over. Be extra cautious on open roads, near bridges, and when overtaking large vehicles.
  • Sudden Gusts: Expect sudden gusts of wind at any time, but particularly in exposed areas.

Winter Conditions

Winters require extra caution in vehicle maintenance and driving. When it comes to driving in winter, it’s like navigating a slippery ice rink out there! Snowy roads mean you got to be extra careful, because it takes ages to stop your car, almost like trying to stop a runaway train!

  • Vehicle maintenance: Make sure your ride’s in top shape, with clean lights, windows, and mirrors. Check those wipers and lights, and don’t forget to give your radiator some antifreeze lovin’. Oh, and don’t skimp on that winter washer fluid either!
  • Tyres: Make sure your tyres have plenty of tread and are at the correct pressure for good grip in snowy conditions.
  • Winter Supplies: Pack essentials like a snow scraper, de-icer, snow shovel, warm clothing, a torch, water, and a first aid kit.
  • Fog: Fog makes roads slippery. Use your lights early, keep your windscreen clean, and maintain a longer following distance.

Summer Conditions

In summer, you can witness number of motorcyclists and cyclists on the road throughout which presents additional driving challenges.

  • Watch for Motorbikes and Cyclists: Summer is their busiest season.
  • Eye Care: Get your eyes tested every two years and wear glasses or lenses if needed.
  • Sun Glare: Bright sun can cause glare and tired eyes. Make sure your windshield is spotless and use shades to safeguard your eyes.

Basically, to stay safe, just monitor the weather and make sure your vehicle is in good working order.

Looking for expert driving lessons? Connect with us to arrange for expert driving instruction in High Wycombe and the surrounding areas, including Beaconsfield, Marlow, Maidenhead, Flackwell Heath, Princess Risborough, and more.

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How to Stop a Car

How to Stop a Car

How To Stop A Car

Our goal at Shift Gears Driving School is to ensure that you can stop your automobile without any hassle. Let’s learn to master this skill!

Choosing the Ideal Place to Stop

Finding a safe spot to pull over is the first priority. During your lessons, your instructor will help you recognize these spots. Here are some places you should avoid stopping:

  • Clearways (no stopping zones)
  • Areas with hazard lines
  • Double yellow lines
  • Within 10 meters (about three car lengths) of a junction
  • Opposite a junction
  • Blocking driveways or pathways
  • On bends

Using the MSPSL Routine

Once you’ve spotted a safe place, it’s time to use the MSPSL (Mirrors, Signal, Position, Speed, Look) routine:


Check your interior and left door mirrors to see what’s behind and beside you. Think about whether signaling would benefit other road users.


Signal in good time if it helps other road users. But don’t signal too early—like before passing a side road on your left.


Your instructor might give you a focal point to help line up with the curb, or you can use your left door mirror to make sure you’re about a drain’s width from the curb.


Start braking gently to avoid surprising anyone behind you. Just before the engine revs drop too low or the car starts to judder, press the clutch down fully to prevent stalling. Then, gradually increase brake pressure until the car is almost at a stop. To avoid any jerky stops, ease off the brake slightly just before stopping and then gently reapply it.

Securing Your Car

Once you’ve stopped:

  • Fully apply the handbrake and shift to neutral.
  • Cancel your signal and rest your feet.

Handy Tips

Avoid coasting i.e. do not press the clutch too early.

The engine brakes cause the car to automatically slow down when you release the gas. This engine brake is disconnected if you engage the clutch too quickly, which could cause the car to accelerate, particularly on curves or steep inclines.

Our goal at Shift Gears Driving School is to help you develop into a secure and capable driver. You’ll quickly become an expert at stopping your automobile if you follow these instructions!

Ready to hit the road with confidence? Book your driving lessons in High Wycombe with Shift Gears Driving School today and take the first step to learning to drive in High Wycombe! We also offer our services in neighboring areas such as Beaconsfield, Marlow, Maidenhead, Flackwell Heath, Princess Risborough, and beyond.

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Your First Spin

Your First Spin

What to Expect with Shift Gears Driving School

Greetings from Shift Gears Driving School in High Wycombe, where we assist you in developing your driving confidence. We are therefore available to help, whether you are enrolling in your first driving lesson or are simply considering your alternatives. Check out what all you can expect on your first driving session with us.

What Happens on Your First Driving Lesson

Curious about what actually happens during that first spin behind the wheel? It’s a question that’s probably popped into your head a few times.

Here's a little preview of what's in store for you:

Eyesight Check and Licence Review

First things first, we’ll check your vision by having you read a number plate about 20.5 meters away. Then, it’s a quick look at your provisional license details. Remember to bring that license along – no license, no lesson!


Quick Chat and Q&A

First things first, we’ll check your vision by having you read a number plate about 20.5 meters away. Then, it’s a quick look at your provisional license details. Remember to bring that license along – no license, no lesson!

Getting to the Site

Depending on where you live, we might drive you to a quieter area to kick off the lesson. We want you to start in a spot free from distractions and traffic, so this might take a few minutes.

Commentary Drive

As we head to the practice spot, your instructor might walk you through what they’re doing behind the wheel. It’s a sneak peek into the driving world

Getting Familiar with the Controls

Alright, now let’s get to know the vehicle inside out. We will start by making sure the seats are just right, adjusting the mirrors to your preference, and getting familiar with those pedals.

Moving Off and Stopping

After a brief on what to expect, you’ll practice moving off and coming to a stop. Once you’ve got the hang of first gear, we’ll work our way up to second and maybe even third. With the basics covered, you’ll do plenty of starts and stops to build confidence.

For one-hour lessons, this wraps up the session. But if you are signing up for two hours, there will be more to learn.

Turning and Tackling Junctions

We might introduce turning left and right onto quieter roads. Your driving lesson cannot be complete unless you master these moves.

Drive Back and Debrief

You can expect to receive some comments and an evaluation from your instructor on the way back. And at the end, your subsequent lesson can be arranged.

So, this was it– your first driving lesson decoded!

Ready to start driving in High Wycombe or nearby areas such as Beaconsfield, Marlow, Maidenhead, Flackwell Heath, or Princess Risborough? Get behind the wheel with Shift Gears Driving School today!
